
Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

materi mikro week 1-5


1.Pendahuluan : Sejarah mikrobiologi, mikroba menguntungkan dan merugikan, peranan mikroba dalam bidang peternakan.
2.Mempelajari organisme yang berukuran sangat kecil (mikroskopik) : bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, virus.

Klasifikasi, struktur dan morfologi.
3.Metabolisme mikroorganisme : metabolisme energi, protein, lemak, karbohidrat. Metabolisme aerob, anaerob dan fotosintesa
4.Reproduksi : Cara reproduksi, kurva pertumbuhan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
5.Ekologi mikroorganisme pada lingkungan peternakan : Distribusi di alam, interaksi antar mikroorganisme dan organisme lainnya
6.Ekologi mikroorganisme pada industri peternakan : peranan mikroorganisme pada ternak dan produk hasil ternak
7.Metoda deteksi dan enumerasi mikroorganisme pada lingkungan dan industri peternakan

Dosen dan Penilaian

Dosen : 2 orang, kelas paralel

Penilaian :




Ujian : UTS dan UAS


Pelczar, Jr., Chan, E.C.S, Krieg, N.R. 1987. Microbiology. McGrraw-Hill Book Company. New York

Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case, C.L. 2001.Microbiology an Introduction. Addison Wesley Longman Inc. New York.

Jay, J.M. 2000. Modern Food Microbiology. Chapman & Hall. New York

: www.asm.org

Microorganism & Microbiology

•Living things which individually are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

•All of the following may be considered microorganisms:
–bacteria (eubacteria, archaebacteria)
–fungi (yeasts, molds)
–microscopic algae
–various parasitic worms


Study of microorganisms

Foundation of modern biotechnology

Among the many specialized fields of microbiology

-Virology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Immunology,
Microbial Ecology, Biotechnological Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Forensic Microbiology, Molecular Biology

Microorganism & Microbiology cont’d

Two main themes involved in Microbiology

1- Basic- cellular processes

2-Applied- concerning agriculture, industry and health

Themes in Microbiology and its field


The branch of biology concerned with the study of microorganisms and their activities

Microorganisms can be:






prions-proteinaceous infectious particle


Too small

Germ-rapidly growing cell

Has habitat

Live in population (not alone)

Communities are either swimming freely or attached to a surface (biofilm)

Interact between communities; may either be

- harmful (because of waste product)

- beneficial (cooperative feeding efforts-wasteànutrient)

Occurrence of Microorganisms

Air, water. soil


on the human body

Only 1 in 10 cells of the body is human, the rest are microbial

A square centimeter of skin holds about 100,000 microbes

Humans are free of microbes until they pass through the birth canal



Activities of microorganisms


Disease-EIDs (emerging infectious diseases)

Food spoilage


§Beneficial Activities

- Foods - SCP (single cell protein)

C, N, S, P cycles


Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology)


Microbes in our lives

Microbes and agriculture

Nitrogen fixation

Rumen microbes help digest grass and hay in cows, sheep etc

Cycles nutrients (C, N and S)

Causes disease to animals and plants

Microorganism and Food

•Microorganism and food

1) Prevent spoilage (tempeh, salted fish)

2) Assist in manufacturing of food

•Microorganisms and energy

1) Natural gas (methane)

2) Ethanol (biofuel)

3) Bioremediation

•Microbes and the future

1)Genetic engineering

Microbes and diseases

The Golden Age of Microbiology

~1857-1914 (about 50 years)

vs Procaryotes


True nucleus

nuclear membrane

more than 1 chromosome

chromosome replicated by mitosis

membrane-bound organelles

ex. algae, fungi, protozoa, plants, animals

Eucaryotic Cell


Nuclear area (nucleoid)

no nuclear membrane

1 chromosome

no mitosis

ribosomes are the only membrane-bound organelles

ex. bacteria (
rickettsia, blue-green algae), archaea

Procaryotic Cell

Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic cells

No Nucleus

No Organelles

Cell Wall of peptidoglycan

Binary Fission

1 circular chromosome

Eukaryotic Cells



If cell wall, Cellulose or chitin


Linear chromosomes


Kelompok mikroorganisme
bOrganizing, classifying and naming living things
bFormal system originated by Carl von Linné  (1701-1778)
bIdentifying and classifying organisms according to specific criteria
bEach organism placed into a classification system
•Introns in DNA
•Lack peptidogycan in cell walls
•Live in extreme environments
•Includes most bacteria
•Most have one of three shapes
•May be divided into up to 12 phyla
•Classification is controversial
bBacteria Morphological Diversity
bMost Species of Eubacteria may be Grouped Based on Staining
•Lack thicker layer of peptidoglycan
•Stain pink
•Thicker layer of peptidogycan
•Stain purple
•Exotoxins (released when bacteria die)
bBacterial Taxonomy Based on Bergey’s Manual
bBergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology – five volume resource covering all known procaryotes
•classification based on genetic information –phylogenetic
•two domains: Archaea and Bacteria
•five major subgroups with 25 different phyla
bMajor Taxonomic Groups of Bacteria
bVol 1A: Domain Archaea
•primitive, adapted to extreme habitats and modes of nutrition
bVol 1B: Domain Bacteria
bVol 2-5:
Phylum Proteobacteria – Gram-negative cell walls
Phylum Firmicutes – mainly Gram-positive with low G + C content
Phylum Actinobacteria – Gram-positive with high G + C content
bNaming and Classifying microorganisms
• Linnaeus system for scientific nomenclature
• Each organism has two names:
b   1) Genus
b  2) Specific epithet
bScientific Names
bItalicized or underlined.
  The genus is capitalized, and the specific epithet is with lowercase
bCould be as an honor for the scientist
bA Latin origin
  e.g. Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  - discoverer: Theodor Escherich
  - describes the habitat (colon/intestine)
  e.g. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)
  - Clustered (staphylo), spherical (cocci)
  - Gold colored colonies (aureus)
bBinomial Nomenclature
bBinomial Nomenclature
bBinomial Nomenclature
bTypes of Eukaryotes
bUnicellular eukaryote
bAbsorb or ingest organic chemicals
bMay move using pseudopods, cilia or flagella
be.g. Amoeba
bUnicellular/multicellular eukaryote
bHas cellulose cell walls
bGain energy through photosynthesis
bProduce molecular and organic compounds
bFungi (singular: Fungus)
bChitin cell walls
bUse organic chemicals for energy
bMolds and mushrooms are multicellular, consists of mycelia (composed of filaments called hyphae)
bYeasts are unicellular
bMulticellular animal parasites
bHelminths: flatworms and roundworms
bToo small to be observed with light microscope
bConsists of DNA/RNA core
bCore is surrounded by protein coat
bCoat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope
bViruses are replicated only when they are in living host cell
bBacteriophage-viruses that infect bacteria
bViroids-nucleic acid without protein coating
bPrions- Infectious protenacious particles


Rod-Shaped Bacteria

Spherical Bacteria

Spiral-Shaped Bacteria

Bacterial Anatomy (Overview)

Prokaryotic Cells

Means “before a nucleus”

Domains Bacteria and Archaea

Can live in environmental extremes

Live off diverse energy sources

Prokaryotic Structures


A liquid material that particles are suspended in


Site of protein synthesis

Located in cytoplasm


Contains hereditary material (DNA) of the cell

Located in cytoplasm

Prokaryotic Structures

Plasma membrane

Encloses the cell

Regulates material into and out of cell

Cell Wall

Supports cell and determines its shape


Slime layer


Helps to not dry out

Helps attach to other cells

Prokaryotic Structures


Used to swim/move

Spins like a propeller or whip like


Hair or threadlike structures

Help stick to other cells for mating or animal cells for food and protection


Composed largely of water, together with proteins, nucleic acid, lipids and small amount of sugars and salts

Ribosomes: numerous, 15-20nm in diameter with 70S; distributed throughout the cytoplasm; sensitive to streptomycin and erythromycin site of protein synthesis


Cell membrane


Lacking nuclear membrane, absence of nucleoli, hence known as nucleic material or nucleoid, one to several per bacterium.

Prokaryotic Cell Structure

Glycocalyx - term to describe substances that surround bacterial cells

1. Capsule

if substance is organized and firmly attached to cell wall

2. Slime Layer

if substance is unorganized and loosely attached to cell wall

Capsules and slime layers

These are structures surrounding the outside of the cell envelope. They usually consist of polysaccharide; however, in certain bacilli they are composed of a polypeptide (polyglutamic acid). Capsules are often lost during in vitro culture.

Flagella consist of a number of proteins including flagellin

lIdentification of Bacteria


lMotility of bacteria


Almost all Spiral bacteria are motile

About 1/2 of Bacilli are motile

Almost all Cocci are non-motile

Bacteria move toward attractive stimuli and away from harmful substances and waste products in the process known as chemotaxis.

Cell Wall

Main structural component - Peptidoglycan


repeating dissacharide units


Bacterial Cell Walls

Gram (+) Cell Wall

NAM      N-acetylmuramic  acid

NAG       N- acetylglucosamine

tetrapeptide side chains

pentaglycine crossbridges

teichoic acid

Gram (-) Cell Wall



Tetrapeptide side chains


2nd Outer membrane

Lipopolysaccharides   (LPS)

Lipid A

O Antigen

Functions of Cell Wall

Maintaining the cell's characteristic shape- the rigid wall compensates for the flexibility of the phospholipid membrane and keeps the cell from assuming a spherical shape

Countering the effects of osmotic pressure

Providing attachment sites for bacteriophages

Providing a rigid platform for surface appendages- flagella, fimbriae, and pili all emanate from the wall and extend beyond it

Play an essential role in cell division

Be the sites of major antigenic determinants of the cell surface。

Resistance of Antibiotics 

Cell Membrane  (Plasma Membrane)

2 structural component

double layer of phospholipids


Fluid Mosaic Model

cytoplasmic membrane

Functions of Cell Membrane

1. Selective barrier  (selectively permeable)

2. Secretes exoenzymes





Functions of Cell Membrane

3. E.T.S. is located here

4. Enzymes for cell wall synthesis

5. If photosynthesis, enzymes are located on membranous structures called thylakoids

6. Mesosomes - invagination of cell membrane attached to DNA (Binary Fission)?

Endospores (spores)


Light Microscope

Electron Microscope

Darkfield Microscope

Phase Contrast Microscope

Fluorescence Microscope

Confocal Microscope)

Gram Stain

1884 Hans Christian Gram

most important stain used in Bacteriology

Divides all Bacteria into 2 groups:

Gram (+)

Gram (-)


Gram (+)  Purple

Gram (-)  Red

Difference - due to structure of cell wall

Gram (+) Thick cell wall

Gram (-) Thin cell wall

*Introduction to Mycology

*Fungi versus fungi

*fungus”  is used inclusively for a heterogenous group of organisms that have traditionally been studied by mycologists

*Fungi” refers to the organisms in the Kingdom Fungi, the true fungi, also called the “Eumycota

*Introduction to Mycology

*Mycology is the study of fungi –

* Yeast

* Mold


*Yeasts and molds have different structural and reproductive characteristics

*Yeast are unicellular, nucleated rounded fungi while molds are multicellular, filamentous fungi

*Yeast reproduce by a process called budding while molds produce spores to reproduce

*Some yeast are opportunistic pathogens in that they cause disease in immuno-compromised individuals

*Yeast are used in the preparation in the variety of foods


*Fungi serve  both beneficial and harmful roles in our environment

*Molds used in the production of cheeses and also serve an antimicrobial purpose (penicillin).

*Molds can be opportunistic infections in debilitated and immunosuppressed individuals.



1. Yeasts

uUnicellular fungi, nonfilamentous, typically oval or spherical cells.  Reproduce by mitosis:

*Fission yeasts:  Divide evenly to produce two new cells (Schizosaccharomyces).

*Budding yeasts:  Divide unevenly by budding (Saccharomyces).

  Budding yeasts can form pseudohypha, a short chain of undetached cells.

  Candida albicans invade tissues through pseudohyphae.

uYeasts are facultative anaerobes, which allows them to grow in a variety of environments.

*When oxygen is available, they carry out aerobic respiration.

*When oxygen is not available, they ferment carbohydrates to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide.



2. Molds and Fleshy Fungi

uMulticellular, filamentous fungi.

uIdentified by physical appearance, colony characteristics, and reproductive spores.

*Thallus:  Body of a mold or fleshy fungus.  Consists of many hyphae.

*Hyphae (Sing: Hypha):  Long filaments of cells joined together.

uSeptate hyphae:  Cells are divided by cross-walls (septa).

uCoenocytic (Aseptate) hyphae:  Long, continuous cells that are not divided by septa.

  Hyphae grow by elongating at the tips.

  Each part of a hypha is capable of growth.

uVegetative Hypha:  Portion that obtains nutrients.

uReproductive or Aerial Hypha:  Portion connected with reproduction.

*Mycelium:  Large, visible, filamentous mass made up of many hyphae.



Dimorphic Fungi

uCan exist as both multicellular fungi (molds) and yeasts.

uMany pathogenic species.

*Mold form produces aerial and vegetative hyphae.

*Yeast form reproduces by budding.

uDimorphism in pathogenic fungi typically depends on temperature:

*At 37oC:  Yeast form.

*At 25oC:  Mold form.

uDimorphism in nonpathogenic fungi may depend on other factors:  Carbon dioxide concentration.


*Hyphae (singular, hypha)

*Cylindrical, branching filaments composed of a tubular cell wall filled with cytoplasm and organelles 

*Most fungal hyphae are 2-10 mm diameter 



*Septa—regular cross-walls formed in hyphae.  Hyphae with septa are septate, those lacking septa except to delimit reproductive structures and aging hyphae are called aseptate or coenocytic

*primary septa are formed as a process of hyphal extension and generally have a septal pore, which allows for cytoplasmic and organelle movement.

*Secondary or adventitious septa are imperforate, formed to wall off ageing parts of the mycelium.


*Characteristics of Fungal Hyphae:
Septate versus Coenocytic

*Mycelium: Large, Visible Mass of Hyphae

*Fungal cell Structure

*Fungal cell wall composition

*Structural components:

*chitin microfibrils [ß(1-4)-linked polymer of N-acetylglucosamine]

*chitosan in Zygomycota [ß(1-4)-linked polymer of glucosamine]

* ß-linked glucans

*Gel-like components:

*Mannoproteins (form matrix throughout wall)

*Other cell wall components

*Antigenic glycoproteins, agglutinans, adhesions—on cell wall surface

*Melanins—dark brown to black pigments (confer resistance to enzyme lysis, confer mechanical strength and protect cells from UV light, solar radiation and desiccation)

*Plasma membrane—semi-permeable


*Fungal nuclei

*1--3 mm diam

*3--40 chromosomes

*Up to 13--40 Mb (million base pairs) DNA coding for 6,000 to 13,000 genes

*Intranuclear division--nuclear envelope remains intact during mitosis (unlike plants and animals)

*Fungal nuclei

*Usually haploid

*Nuclear membrane persists during division

*Nuclear associated organelles (NAOs):

*Associated with the  nuclear envelope; function as microtubule-organizing centers during mitosis and meiosis

Spindle pole bodies

sIn fungi that lack a flagellated stage in lifecycle


sIn fungi and other organisms possessing flagellated stage in lifecycle

*Other organelles

*Mitochondria—flattened or plate-like mitochondrial cristae in Fungi (similar to animals)

*Golgi bodies—consist of a single, tubular cisternal element  (stacked, plate-like cisternae in animals and plants)

*Other types:

*ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, lipid bodies, glycogen storage particles,  microbodies, microtubules, vesicles


*Storage Compounds

*Glycogen, lipids and trehalose in fungi and animals

*Starch in plants



uFilamentous fungi can reproduce asexually by fragmentation of their hyphae.

uFungal spores are formed from aerial hyphae and are         used for both sexual and asexual reproduction.

1. Asexual spores:  Formed by the aerial hyphae of one organism.  New organisms are identical to parent.

uConidiospore:  Unicellular or multicellular spore that is not enclosed in a sac.

uChlamydospore:  Thick-walled spore formed within a hyphal segment.

uSporangiospore:  Asexual spore formed within a sac (sporangium).

2. Sexual spores:  Formed by the fusion of nuclei from two opposite mating strains of the same species.  New organisms are different from both parents.

*Arthrospores are formed by the fragmentation of septate hyphae

*Chlamydospores are thick walled spores formed within a hyphae

*Sporangiospores are formed within a sac (sporangium) at the end of an aerial hyphae called a sporangiophore


*Conidiospores are produced in a chain at the end of a conidiophore.  Unicellular conidiospores are called microconidia

*Blastospores consist of a bud coming off the parental cell



Fungi absorb their food, rather than ingesting it.

uFungi grow better at a pH of 5, which is too acidic for most bacteria.

uAlmost all molds are aerobic.  Most yeasts are facultative anaerobes.

uFungi are more resistant to high osmotic pressure than bacteria.

uFungi can grow on substances with very low moisture.

uFungi require less nitrogen than bacteria to grow.

uFungi can break down complex carbohydrates (wood, paper), that most bacteria cannot.

*Fungi are classified based on the type of sexual spore that they form



§Have non-septate hyphea

§Have asexual sporangiospores

§Form sexual zygospores.

§They are large spores enclosed in a thick wall and formed from the fusion of two cells


§Have septate hyphae

§Have asexual conidiospores

§Have sexual ascospores.  Ascospores result from the fusion of nuclei of two cells.  They are produced in a sac-like structure called an ascus.

*Ascospores inside an ascus

Have septate hyphae asexual conidiospores
Have sexual
basidiospores. Basidiospores are formed externally on a base pedestal called a basidium

*How do we identify molds in the lab?

§Based on type of hyphae (septate versus non-septate)

§Based on color of mycelium

§Based on reproductive structures

§Molds may form either sexual or asexual spores

§Sexual spores are formed from the fusion of nuclei from two opposite mating strains of the same species.  They are only formed under special conditions, but they are used to classify fungi (more on this later)

§Asexual spores, which are most commonly used in identification, are formed by the aerial mycelium of a single organism by mitosis and cell division




u25-50% of harvested fruits and vegetables are damaged by fungi.

uFungal infections of plants are commonly called rots, rusts, blights, wilts, and smuts.

*Phytophthora infestans:  Caused great potato famine in mid-1800s.  Over 1 million people died from starvation in Ireland.  Many immigrated to the U.S.

u Beneficial fungi:

*Candida oleophila:  Prevents fungal growth on harvested fruits.

*Saccharomyces cerevisiae:  Used to make bread and wine. 

*Genetically engineered yeast strains are used to make proteins (Hepatitis B vaccine).

*Taxomyces:  Produces anticancer drug taxol.

* Trichoderma: Produces cellulase.  Used to make fruit juice.

